Saturday, 18 February 2012

This isn't how I always look.........sometimes I wear make up & brush my hair

Don't you just hate it that the one time you decide to risk it and pop out to the shops quickly without ANY make up on and your hair in a tangled MESS, that you're guaranteed to bump into pretty much EVERYONE you know.

I guess you have two options when you see someone you recognise: 1) Hide. Keep your eyes on the ground (avoiding any awkward eye contact) and hope that if you can't see them then they can't see you. OR 2) It's too late to hide, they've seen you and you've seen them, you have no choice but to stroll over to them and make small talk. Normally I find the best thing to do is to come up with some excuse for not being able to talk long, such as 'Sorry I'm in a rush, I've left my hair straighteners on and I really don't want to burn the house down.' or something to that effect.

Personally, I like the avoiding option, that way you don't have to explain why you look such a state i.e. have no make up on and crazy-lady hair. However for some reason I'm terrible at avoiding people, I tend to panic and the pushy side of my brain takes over and forces me into walking towards said person whilst the less domineering side of my brain shouts HIDE. I don't know why but when I get caught, I tend to draw even more attention to how awful I look by apologising for it straight away, which just makes everyone uncomfortable because they then have to lie through their teeth and pretend like you look fine, which you both know that you don't.

I would like to say that I've learnt from these constant situations I get myself into and that I never step outside my front door without a made up face and perfectly (or at least near perfect) coiffed hair, but that would be a lie because to be quite honest, I'm lazy. I can't be bothered to spend time making myself look half decent when I'm just popping out to grab some milk or get some Ben & Jerry's ice cream (cookie dough, preferably). So yes, I bring it on myself, but at least I can tell those people that I bump into that this isn't how I always look........sometimes I wear make up and brush my hair................but most of the time I don't.

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