Friday, 10 February 2012

Signed Merch

Guess what arrived today?

MY SIGNED COLDPLAY TOUR PROGRAMME which I ordered along with my tickets back in whatever month they went on sale (I want to say September or October?). Great timing as usual though, the postman rang the doorbell to deliver it but I had literally just stepped out the shower & was pretty much half naked so yeeeah I didn't answer the door because that would have been pretty awkward for everyone involved. Mostly me. And him. Anyway Mr. Postman left the parcel round the side of my house, which I went & collected once I was fully dressed & had no nudity whatsoever about me.

The idea that I get to hold/touch something which has been held or touched by Chris Martin & Co makes me ridiculously happy. Or as I've recently started saying, 'it makes me as happy as a kitten in a room full of catnip'.

I recently have started having a thing about signed merchandise. The December before last, when I turned 21, my parents got me a signed poster of Florence & the Machine as my main present & I got it framed so it looks suuuper pretty!

Then I bought a signed copy of The Wombats latest CD because they're kind of great & it was exactly the same price for a signed CD as it was to download it or buy an unsigned copy so that was actually a pretty good deal if I'm honest.

And finally my Dad got me a signed Alan Partridge (aka Steve Coogan) book which I couldn't even believe he'd got me because I can't think of a more ideal present for me than that signed book! AHA! Yeah I went there, that definitely did just happen, I definitely did just quote Alan Partidge.

I'm not going to lie & try to be all cool about it, one of the main reasons I like signed merch is because it's been touched by that partiular person/band etc who I'm a fan of so it baaaasically means I've touched them. Sort of. Well, not really. I also like to think that maybe in the future it'll be worth a bit more so if I ever have any tiny people (and by that I mean children) then it's something I can pass down to them & it'll be the COOLEST family heir loom EVER. Fact. Even if it isn't worth anything in the future I still stand by the fact that it'll be the best family heir loom pretty much in the entire universe. I mean who wants a diamond necklace when they can have a signed Alan Partridge book? Point made.

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