Wednesday, 15 February 2012

How I Spent V-Day This Year

How did I spend Valentine's Day this year I hear you ask? Well let's see, it's one word, two syllables: ALONE.

Well technically I wasn't alone in the evening, I was with my mum watching the Valentine's Day special of Don't Tell The Bride on BBC3 feeling utterly depressed and lame about being on my own at this time of year. It's the one time of year where ALL single people resent all those in relationships. It's also the one time of year where us single people look sadly at the Valentine's Day displays in shops & map out exactly which card we'd choose if we had someone to give it to.....wait, is that just me who does that? Awkwaaaard.

Anyway, rather than get drunk on wine or eat my own body weight in chocolate (both tempting choices), I decided to do the only thing a girl can do to take her mind off her lonely social status. And what may you ask is that which I'm referring to? Why, it's painting my nails of course! DUH!

So not only did I paint my nails, but I also made my own nail art transfers. Chuffed much!?! They're so pretty AND cheap! I mean who doesn't love moustaches, tuxedos and smiley faces! I know I do!

Not bad for my first attempt at DIY nail art transfers! Also notice how there are no love hearts in my designs? That's my shameless attempt at rebelling against Valentine's Day, after all it's just a holiday created so card companies can make heaps of money out of the gullible 'loved-up' consumer, right? I am SO not bitter. Now, would someone PLEASE love me so that I'm not alone next V-Day! That's not desperate, right? Cooooool.

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