Wednesday, 7 March 2012

When People Bug You

So, what do you do when certain people in your life start to bug you? Whether you've just met them or have known them for years, whether they're friends or family, everyone has had to deal with someone who just gets on their nerves. For me, I can't stand people who talk down to me, patronise me, talk about themselves non stop, who are condescending, who copy me (and by this I mean those who nick your ideas and make out like they're their own), want to be involved in everything, talk over me and shout me down, make fun of me but in a nasty way (which believe me, happens an awful lot because I never say anything back because for some bizarre reason I'm worried about hurting THEIR feelings when they haven't given a second thought to hurting mine. Ironic, huh?), people who make you feel like rubbish just to feel a bit better about themselves, people who are bitchy, people who are uncomfortably competitive - life isn't a competition FYI and to be quite honest I could go on but I won't because let's face it we all know people who have these characteristics, I for one can attest to the fact that each one of these annoying characteristics I have discovered from my own personal experience of some semblance of a social life. Wow that was a very long sentence. And.....breathe.

Normally I can let things go and most of the time I do, but the truth is life is short and I can't help but wonder what is the point of continuing to pursue relationships with these people if all they ever do is make me feel rubbish, stress me out and bring me down? And the most logical answer is, that there is no point and logically speaking I should probably cut them out of my life. However, despite acknowledging this, I know I won't and I can't explain why, perhaps a part of me thinks that one day maybe they'll change and grow out of it, who knows? All I can do right now is focus on those in my life who make me happy and who I can laugh with, those are the ones I feel lucky to know, those are the ones who keep me sane when the other ones try so hard to make me insane. Those are the ones for keeps.

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